
Cooperation with the Moroccan Royal Archives

On 9 August, Bahija Simou, Director of the Moroccan Royal Archives and her colleague visited our Foundation.

Cooperation with the Moroccan Royal Archives

On 9 August, Bahija Simou, Director of the Moroccan Royal Archives and her colleague visited our Foundation.

Following last year’s visit by the head of the National Library of the Kingdom of Morocco, this marks the second time we are establishing high-level contact with a major public collection of the North African country. We presented to Ms. Simou the work of our Foundation, our collecting and processing practices, our documents and photographs related to Morocco. With great interest, the Director browsed through the reports and newspaper articles written by Otto von Habsburg on her country in the Mediterranean. And she was delighted to discover herself in a photograph taken during our namesake’s visit to Rabat.

The head of the Royal Archives proposed a cooperation agreement for the publication of Otto von Habsburg’s writings on Morocco and an exhibition on his life in Rabat. As a farewell gift, the Director was given our publications on the life of our namesake, as well as the recently published volume La continuité de l’histoire by János Martonyi.

2000. Meeting with King Mohammed VI of Morocco (Ref: HOAL 15A 10-18)