

Annual report 2023 — Published in English

Edited by Lili Herczeg, Ferenc Vasbányai

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation's publications 14. (2024)

Throughout his life, Otto von Habsburg consciously developed and cultivated an impressive and diverse network of relationships, which is reflected in the work carried out in the Foundation. Through the various documents and photographs we have already processed, new historical, personal, and private connections were revealed, which we strived to present in 2023 as well, in conjunction with anniversaries and other occasions. Our namesake was fond of recounting his family’s centuries-long influence on the history of Europe, always highlighting how this dynastic experience had shaped his way of thinking. This...

Exiled in Madeira — English edition


Edited by Gergely Fejérdy, Gergely István Szűts, Ferenc Vasbányai

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation's publications 13. (2024)

A lost world war, a crumbling empire, social cataclysm, a state of civil war. The confiscation of the wealth of a dynasty that, for half a millennium, had ruled over provinces, continents and dozens of nations left the family at the mercy of the victorious powers. After two years of rule, this was what the last Austrian Emperor and Hungarian King faced in 1918–1919. The book deals only tangentially with major political issues, providing instead an insight into the daily life of a royal family in exile. Where the trifles...

La Continuité de l’Histoire — published in French

János Martonyi



Among Hungarian foreign ministers, there were few to whom the French language and culture were as significant as for János Martonyi, who, after an active political career, remained an essential figure in Hungarian public life as a legal scholar, author of historical studies and essays. His decades of international experience, his knowledge and his view of history provide him with a perspective on the developments over the centuries that can help the international public gain a better understanding of our country and its history. For this reason, we considered it...

99 years 99 photos – Photographs from the life of Otto von Habsburg

The photos were selected and the book was edited by Dékány Szilveszter

Publications of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation 10. (2023)

With Hungarian, English, German, French and Spanish captions

Our photobook, featuring photographs – along with detailed descriptions in Hungarian, English, German, French and Spanish – traces the remarkable life of Otto von Habsburg, leading the reader to previously unknown places and scenes. The selection presents 99 eventful years in 99 pictures, from his early childhood to the end of his life, attempting to document the momentous day-to-day activities of Otto von Habsburg, the Austro-­Hungarian Crown Prince who became a committed European citizen, the leading figure of the pan-European idea, a dedicated member of the European Parliament, a politician...

Trianon Encyclopaedia — published in Hungarian

Edited by Balázs Ablonczy, Pál Hatos, Szabolcs Nagy, Veronika Szeghy-Gayer, Csaba Zahorán

Published by The Central European Research Institute of the Eötvös József Research Centre, the Ludovika University Press, the Trianon 100 Research Group and the Otto von Habsburg Foundation


When did the Transylvanian Romanians declare their secession from Hungary? How many notes did Lieutenant Colonel Fernand Vix send to the Hungarian government? Who was the first dictator of Slovakia? Who opposed the foreign troops occupying more and more Hungarian-inhabited areas? How was the Hungarian railway network affected by the Treaty of Trianon? How many refugees arrived in Hungary from the annexed territories? How long did it take for the Hungarian economy to recover more or less after Trianon? As authors and editors of the Trianon Encyclopaedia, we would like...

ANNUAL REPORT 2022 — published in English

Edited by Ferenc Vasbányai


The Otto von Habsburg Foundation was established with the dual aim of preserving the material heritage and cultivating the intellectual legacy of its namesake in a dignified manner. These two efforts are mutually intertwined: based on the extraordinarily rich archival and library collection and the results of its processing, the Foundation aims to uphold the intellectual legacy of Otto von Habsburg and, at the same time, reflect current trends in world politics and European integration. The year 2022 dramatically confronted us all with the fact that history, contrary to all...

Exiled in Madeira — published in Hungarian


Edited by Gergely Fejérdy, Gergely István Szűts, Ferenc Vasbányai

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation's publications 7. (2022)

A lost world war, a crumbling empire, social cataclysm, a state of civil war. The confiscation of the wealth of a dynasty that, for half a millennium, had ruled over provinces, continents and dozens of nations left the family at the mercy of the victorious powers. After two years of rule, this was what the last Austrian Emperor and Hungarian King faced in 1918–1919. The book deals only tangentially with major political issues, providing instead an insight into the daily life of a royal family in exile. Where the trifles...

Good will and Misfortune — published in Hungarian

Essays for the 100th anniversary of the death of Charles, King of Hungary and Emperor of Austria

Edited by Dávid Ligeti

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation's publications 6. (2022)

Could the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy have been saved if the young monarch, who had ascended to the throne a few months earlier, had quit the war in 1917, abandoning his allies? Or was the political system of Kakania unviable in any case, and would the social and national problems that were brewing sooner or later have blown the framework apart even without war? Was Charles a clairvoyant but belated reformer or a dilettante helplessly floundering in the face of events? Was there any hope of success in his attempted return to...

National Interests — published in Hungarian

A Guide for German and European Policy in Times of Global Changes

Klaus von Dohnanyi

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation's publications 5., Magistra Vitae 1. (2022)

In an era of rapid power politics and technological change, it is essential that Germany and Europe develop a fresh strategy. Caught between the rivalries of the United States and China, our continent must, therefore, review its relationship with Russia. We need to consider the new realities soberly and without any illusions, as Klaus von Dohnanyi does: it is no longer time to rely on 'communities of values' or 'friendships'; it is time for Germany and Europe to formulate their own well-understood interests and pursue them in a realistic manner....


Edited by Ferenc Vasbányai



The year 2021 was rich in events, and the documents and books in our collection provided valuable input for understanding the longer-term connections. Whether it was an analysis of Europe's spiritual and religious roots, an examination of the Western European reflections on Central European cooperation or the transatlantic relationship, it has become clear that Otto von Habsburg is not simply an apropos reason for holding these meetings but that his ideas are indeed relevant and useful today. With the growing East-West tensions, we have seen that the thoughts of our...

Otto von Habsburg and the Changes of Regime — published in Hungarian

Edited by Ferenc Vasbányai

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation's publications 3. (2021)

On October 10–11, 2019, the Otto von Habsburg Foundation organised a two-day conference on the relationship between its namesake and the regime changes in Central Europe at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The lectures at the event not only placed the annus mirabilis 1989 in a historical-political context but also opened up a much broader horizon. They looked back on almost the entire 20th century, tracing the life of the last Hungarian heir to the throne from the dissolution of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, showing his connections to the legitimist movements...

Annual Report 2020 / Éves beszámoló 2020

Edited by Ferenc Vasbányai



The more thoroughly we acquaint ourselves with the writings of Otto von Habsburg, the more precise the responsibility our Foundation bears becomes: to share the oeuvre, the legacy of the former Crown Prince. Part of our 2020 programme focused on historical retrospection, tracing the unfolding of the intellectual autonomy of Otto, who lost real political power, and the growth of his influence in the turbulent 20th century. At the same time, his views on the nation, the region, Europe, and even world politics help us to analyse our current situation—which...

Otto von Habsburg and the State Power — published in Hungarian

Archival sources relating to the last heir to the Hungarian throne

Edited by Piroska Kocsis, Zoltán Ólmosi

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation's publications 1. (2020)

Under what circumstances did the last heir to the Hungarian throne meet Endre Ady's brother in Spain? Why did Otto von Habsburg repeatedly turn down Hitler's invitation in 1933? Why did he visit Miklós Horthy in exile, who had commanded to shoot at his father? What interests motivated the Austrian and Hungarian policy-makers on the question of Otto's citizenship from the 1950s to the regime change in Hungary? These are questions which, in order to be answered carefully, require some clarification of the history of 20th-century Central Europe. In this...

Life and Heritage

Travelling exhibition and brochure