Good will and Misfortune — published in Hungarian

Essays for the 100th anniversary of the death of Charles, King of Hungary and Emperor of Austria

Edited by Dávid Ligeti

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation's publications 6. (2022)

Could the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy have been saved if the young monarch, who had ascended to the throne a few months earlier, had quit the war in 1917, abandoning his allies? Or was the political system of Kakania unviable in any case, and would the social and national problems that were brewing sooner or later have blown the framework apart even without war? Was Charles a clairvoyant but belated reformer or a dilettante helplessly floundering in the face of events? Was there any hope of success in his attempted return to the Hungarian throne in 1921? How did the dethroned monarch of Europe’s most historic dynasty reckon with his truncated life in his last days in Madeira? What did he bequeath to his children and young widow?

A hundred years after his death in exile, historians and the general public still evaluate the historical role of the last Austrian emperor and Hungarian king. The essays in this volume help to answer these questions and thus shape posterity’s perception of Charles.



ISBN: 9786158181723

Author: Dávid Ligeti (ed.)

Year of publication: 2022

Publisher: Otto von Habsburg Foundation

Place of publication: Budapest

Language: Hungarian

Number of pages: 167