
Presidential commemoration at the resting place of Otto von Habsburg

On 3 July, Hungarian President Tamás Sulyok and his wife paid an official visit to Vienna. Upon the invitation of the head of state, Gergely Prőhle, Director of our Foundation, joined the delegation.

Presidential commemoration at the resting place of Otto von Habsburg

On 3 July, Hungarian President Tamás Sulyok and his wife paid an official visit to Vienna. Upon the invitation of the head of state, Gergely Prőhle, Director of our Foundation, joined the delegation.

One day before the 13th anniversary of the death of our namesake, President Tamás Sulyok made the following remarks:

“There holds a perception that Hungarians are a rebellious people, because of our nation’s strong love of freedom and due to the evocation of certain historical events. There are many examples to the contrary, of Hungarians’ love of peace, hospitality, search for compromise, empathy and even sacrifice for others. Otto von Habsburg, the late politician of the European Parliament, a member of a distinguished family in our common history – whom I had the privilege of meeting – shared the latter view of us. He had known Hungarians and had done much to change the fate of our country for the better. His memory and his efforts for Hungary’s accession to the EU are still honoured and respected in our country.

His thoughts continue to be a source of inspiration for many of us today, and his openness and constructiveness represent the European spirit in its best sense.

As Hungary takes over the presidency of the Council of the European Union for the second time, on the 20th anniversary of our country’s accession to the EU, I would like to recall the words of Otto von Habsburg, which remain valid today:

“What divides us Europeans is much less important than what unites us.”

The establishment and enlargement of the Union proved that the leaders of the countries had no doubts about the truth of his statement.”

At the end of the event, Gergely Prőhle handed over our book 99 Years – 99 Photos to the President of Austria, Alexander van der Bellen, and together with the presidential couple and Ambassador Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, he laid a wreath at the resting place of the last Hungarian Crown Prince, MEP and his wife. Afterwards, the Director presented Peter Grubits, Managing Director of the Capuchin Crypt, with our Foundation’s publications and offered our cooperation in providing information in Hungarian for visitors to this important Hungarian historical site.

Photos: Sándor-palota