Between Freedom and Stability – The Significance of the Austrian School in Today’s Europe

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation, the Federation of Austrian Industries and the Embassy of Hungary in Vienna are organising a joint conference on 28 October.


Das Haus der Industrie,
Wien, Schwarzenbergplatz 4






Between Freedom and Stability

The Significance of the Austrian School in Today’s Europe

Otto von Habsburg was not only an important political figure in the European integration process, but also an attentive observer of economic issues and developments. Influenced by the principles of the Austrian school, he was in close contact with important personalities such as Friedrich August von Hayek, Ludwig von Mises and Fritz Machlup. This intellectual proximity shaped his economic convictions and led to him joining the Mont Pelerin Society, an organisation dedicated to the defence of individual freedom and the free market.

In today’s world, where questions about the right level of economic regulation and social intervention continue to shape political debates, the Austrian school still offers valuable perspectives. The event provides a platform for the exchange of knowledge and opinions on the theoretical and practical aspects of economic and social policy.


18.00–18.15 Opening

H.E. Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, Ambassador of Hungary to the Republic of Austria

Christoph Neumayer, Secretary General of the Federation of Austrian Industries (IV)

18.05–18.20 Introduction

Gergely Prőhle, Director of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation Budapest

18.20–18.30 Musical accompaniment

18.30–18.50 Keynote

Wilhelm Molterer, former Vice-Chancellor and Minister of Finance

18.50–19.45 Short presentations and panel discussion

Edit Szilágyiné Bátorfi, Ambassador of Hungary to the Republic of Austria

Gergely Kőhegyi, Lecturer, Corvinus University of Budapest

Bence Kocsev, Research Associate, Otto von Habsburg Foundation Budapest

19.45–19.55 Musical accompaniment

19.55–20.00 Closing remarks

The event will be followed by a small reception.

The conference will be held in German and English.

