
Ambassador of the Land of the Rising Sun at our Foundation

On 9 October, the Ambassador of Japan in Budapest, H. E. Ms. Hikariko Ono, visited our Foundation, who had presented her letter of credence to the President of Hungary, Tamás Sulyok, on 26 March this year.

Ambassador of the Land of the Rising Sun at our Foundation

On 9 October, the Ambassador of Japan in Budapest, H. E. Ms. Hikariko Ono, visited our Foundation, who had presented her letter of credence to the President of Hungary, Tamás Sulyok, on 26 March this year.

We told the Ambassador about the recent trip of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation to Tokyo, the meetings and professional programmes that had taken place there. We also discussed Otto von Habsburg’s extensive network of contacts in Japan, through which he met the Imperial Family on several occasions. We gave the Ambassador a summary of our research in the Archives of the Imperial Household Agency and showed her the Japanese-related documents held by our Foundation.

Our guest stated that it had been indeed a special honour and important event for bilateral relations that H.I.H. Princess Hisako Takamado had visited our exhibition in Tokyo. She underlined that the World Expo to be held in Osaka in 2025 would be a key occasion in Japanese-Hungarian relations. In the course of our conversation, we also raised the possibility of our Foundation’s presence at the international event. Ms. Ono offered her support in planning and organizing our Japan-related programs, which would enable the  Otto von Habsburg Foundation to contribute to the development of Hungarian-Japanese cultural relations in the future.

Director Gergely Prőhle invited the Ambassador personally to the Otto-dinner in November, an event we organise every year to celebrate the birthday of our namesake, and at which her predecessor, Ambassador Masato Otaka, was a regular guest.