Our internalised trauma

The Trianon Encyclopaedia, a book published in collaboration between the Central European Research Institute of the Eötvös József Research Centre, the Ludovika University Press, the Trianon 100 Research Group and the Otto von Habsburg Foundation, was presented at the Ludovika University of Public Service on 19 March.

A milestone of European democracy

“Serving the European integration” was the title of the round table discussion we organised at the Ludovika University of Public Service on 5 March.

Exhibition Opening in the Győry Castle of Perkáta

“Paternal Legacy – Common Responsibility. The Life and Memory of Emperor and King Charles I (IV) and Otto von Habsburg” was the title of the exhibition opening event organised by our Foundation and the General Community Centre of Perkáta on 23 February 2024. Both our travelling exhibitions were displayed at the occasion.