Europe Day
Even the galleries were filled at the joint conference on Europe Day with the Institute for Strategic Studies of the University of Public Service, which took place on 8 May.
Even the galleries were filled at the joint conference on Europe Day with the Institute for Strategic Studies of the University of Public Service, which took place on 8 May.
On May 5, at the Otto von Habsburg Foundation headquarters, Hungarian Minister of Justice Judit Varga had a discussion with representatives of The Heritage Foundation of the United States, President Kevin Roberts, Vice President James Jay Carafano and Senior Research Fellow for International Affairs Erin Walsh. Furthermore, the meeting was attended by Balázs Mártonffy, Head of the Institute for American Studies of the University of Public Service.
Our travelling exhibition entitled “Life and Heritage” will be on display in Eger. At the opening on 19 May 2023 in the Archbishop’s Palace and Visitor Center of Eger, we will commemorate the previous visits of our namesake to the town, while also presenting historical lectures on the subject.
The exhibition of the painter and entrepreneur of food industry, Claus Hipp, was opened by Gergely Prőhle in Szekszárd, the day after the presentation of the 2023 Winemaker of the Winemakers Award – on the estate of the winner, Zoltán Heimann. The 85-year-old painter-businessman was a good friend of Otto von Habsburg, who always recommended him to visit Hungary. We publish excerpts from their correspondence.