In November 2019 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall our conference in Ludovika was attended by Ed Feulner, one of the founders of the Heritage Foundation, a great man of American conservative thinking.

Debut in Vienna

Director Gergely Prohle and Georg von Habsburg Member of the Board of the Foundation introduced the work of the Foundation on 15 September in Vienna. The event – with the contribution of the Collegium Hungaricum Wien – was held in the building of the Embassy of Hungary in Vienna.

Conference: My city in Europe, Europe in my city

On September 9, 2020, the Otto von Habsburg Foundation organized a conference entitled My City in Europe, Europe in My City in the Gobelin Hall of the Danubius Hotel Gellért. Our choice of the venue was based on the fact, that the hotel was one of the favourite residences of Otto von Habsburg since 1988.

Otto von Habsburg’s lecture as a guest of the hungarian student’s association at the Zurich University on 18 June 1960

Who did Marshall work for? Was Castro insane? What deceives the left-wing intelligentsia? Who should decide the fate of a free Hungary? – Sixty years ago, on June 18, 1960 Otto von Habsburg gave a lecture at the famous university of Zurich at the invitation of the Hungarian Student Association. The speech is published in full for the first time together with a commentary on the Foundation’s website.