From the Pan-European Idea to the Maastricht Treaty
The Otto von Habsburg Foundation and the Institute for Strategic Studies of the University of Public Service are organising a conference entitled From the Pan-European Idea to the Maastricht Treaty on Friday, 17 November 2023, in the Széchenyi Ceremonial Hall of the Ludovika campus of the University of Public Service (H-1083 Budapest, 2 Ludovika sqr).
University of Public Service
Otto von Habsburg was a key witness and a crucial political figure in the process of European integration who, from the beginning of his public career within the Pan-European Movement led by Richard von Coudenhove-Kalergi, worked for a free, united, and social Europe. He was a sincere advocate of the concept of European cooperation based on the principle of subsidiarity, of strengthening the security and stability of the continent and of the creation of common European institutions. He stood by the two fundamental conventions of unification, the Treaty of Rome and the Treaty of Maastricht, and sought to win the support of European citizens for the widening and deepening of integration.
Thirty years after the ratification of the Maastricht Treaty, and amidst the crises of our times, it is particularly important to reflect on what has been achieved in the past decades, while at the same time engaging in a dialogue on how we can respond to the challenges of today. Against this background, the conference seeks to contribute to the analysis and assessment of the consantly changing political environment, the shifting role of the European institutions, and the current social and economic processes and dynamics within the European Union.
We are looking forward to welcoming you!