To give our utmost – Exhibition in Tihany

On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of the beatification of King Charles IV, the Otto von Habsburg Foundation and the Benedictine Abbey of Tihany are presenting a memorial exhibition, opening on Saturday 7 September at 11 am.



Benedictine Abbey of Tihany,
Tihany, I. András sq. 1






Charles von Habsburg-Lorraine, Franz Joseph I’s successor, ruled the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy for barely two years (1916–1918). It is no wonder his personality divided his contemporaries: he ascended to the throne of the Empire after fateful turns, amidst crises of ideals, a world war, nationalist fervour and social upheaval. Between loyal supporters and hateful enemies, he had to “remain human in inhumanity” to fulfil his God-given responsibility for the well-being of his people.

His followers respected him for his Christian virtues, which he sought to impart to his children: not only his unwavering faith in God, but also his sense of duty, and his irrefutable determination to serve the greater good. His first-born son, Otto, was profoundly influenced by his father’s values and his vision of shaping a better future. Paradoxically, however, Charles was only able to convey these to his children after he had lost the throne, and his ideas could hardly be realised in his lifetime.

The perception of Charles’ life work has undergone drastic changes in the more than a hundred years since his death and is still not without controversy. His beatification twenty years ago has made him a beacon in the eyes of his admirers, illuminating the significance of eternal values for humanity.

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation honours his namesake’s father with this memorial exhibition.


Programme of the opening


11.00 Norbert Jeromos Mihályi, Prior of the Benedictine Abbey of Tihany

11.10 Music: András Vavrinecz, violin

11.15 Tibor Navracsics, Minister of Public Administration and Regional Development

11.30 Gergely Prőhle, Director of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation

11.45 Music: András Vavrinecz, violin

12.00 Reception on the south terrace of the Abbey


You can visit the exhibition during the opening hours of the Benedictine Abbey Museum of Tihany between 6 September and 3 November 2024.