Will Europe face changes?

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation is organising a roundtable discussion on 11 June about the newly elected European Parliament.



1088 Budapest, Szentkirályi street 51.,






The Otto von Habsburg Foundation cordially invites you to its next event, entitled

Will Europe face changes?
Roundtable discussion on the newly elected European Parliament


“I thank God that I am a member of the European Parliament” — said Otto von Habsburg in an interview when asked by a journalist whether he regretted that the Habsburg dynasty was barred from exercising power. The conversation will also examine the intellectual currents that shaped the fate of the Old Continent in the 1970s and 1980s and how these were reflected in the ranks of the European Parliament. There is much talk nowadays about the ideas characterising Europe alongside—or instead of—traditional Judaeo-Christian values. In the wake of the 9 June elections, the ideological background of the MEPs who won seats in the EP may offer an answer to the question posed in the title. In addition to following and influencing the day-to-day political processes, our panellists have an excellent grasp of European events, including the long-term trends in intellectual history.




16.00 Opening speech – Gergely Prőhle, Director of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation

16.10 Roundtable discussion

  Enikő Győri, economist, MEP representing FIDESZ

  Botond Feledy, political scientist, Deputy Director of the Jesuit European Social Centre

  István Hiller, historian, Member of the National Assembly representing MSZP

  Péter Ungár, Co-Chair and EP list leader of LMP

17.30 Reception


The event will be held in Hungarian.

We look forward to welcoming you!