For Independent Austria – In Imperial Spirit
140 years ago, on February 4, 1885, Hans Karl von Zessner-Spitzenberg was born, a staunch supporter of Emperor Charles I and Otto von Habsburg.
140 years ago, on February 4, 1885, Hans Karl von Zessner-Spitzenberg was born, a staunch supporter of Emperor Charles I and Otto von Habsburg.
Several historical and political writings have been published in various languages about the life and career of Otto von Habsburg, while his figure has also been immortalised in many literary fictions. Following the coronation of the king in 1916, young Otto inspired a multitude of stories. On the occasion of Children’s Day, we present a selection from the last year of the Monarchy and the interwar period.
The notorious political party founder, János Kaszala, freshly released from the prison, committed another political fraud in 1932. In the name of the rather bizarre-sounding United Legitimist Fascist Party, he swindled money from gullible victims, claiming to be “Prince Otto”. He did all this, of course, without the knowledge of Otto von Habsburg.
On September 20, 2021, Archduchess Walburga Habsburg-Douglas handed over to our Foundation diaries that shed more light on her father’s life.