For Independent Austria – In Imperial Spirit
140 years ago, on February 4, 1885, Hans Karl von Zessner-Spitzenberg was born, a staunch supporter of Emperor Charles I and Otto von Habsburg.
140 years ago, on February 4, 1885, Hans Karl von Zessner-Spitzenberg was born, a staunch supporter of Emperor Charles I and Otto von Habsburg.
On 28 October 2024, our Foundation, together with the Embassy of Hungary in Vienna and the Federation of Austrian Industries, held a conference on the history of the Austrian school of economics and its relevance today.
On 19 September, the Foundation received a visit from Astrid Harz, the new Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to Hungary, who will present her diplomatic credentials to the President of the Republic, Tamás Sulyok, on 24 September.
Ursula Plassnik visited our Foundation on 6 May 2022. She served as Austrian Foreign Minister for four years from 2004, and before that for many years as head of the Vice-Chancellor’s and then Chancellor’s Cabinet of Wolfgang Schüssel. In 2010-11, she was of great help to the Hungarian foreign affairs leadership preparing for its first EU Presidency.