For Independent Austria – In Imperial Spirit
140 years ago, on February 4, 1885, Hans Karl von Zessner-Spitzenberg was born, a staunch supporter of Emperor Charles I and Otto von Habsburg.
140 years ago, on February 4, 1885, Hans Karl von Zessner-Spitzenberg was born, a staunch supporter of Emperor Charles I and Otto von Habsburg.
To celebrate the 20th of August, St. Stephen’s Day, also known as the Hungarian State Foundation Day, the following article, based on a century-old diary entry, explores the connection between our namesake and the Hungarian national holiday, while also considering how Otto von Habsburg, the last heir to the Hungarian throne, was the successor to the thousand-year-old vision of the first Hungarian king.
The largest collection growth in the history of our Foundation took place this spring.
On 30 April, Jean-Francois Paroz, Ambassador of the Swiss Confederation to Hungary and his colleague, Zsuzsanna Tormássy, visited our Foundation.