A reactionary liberal knight of the 20th century

The Austrian political scientist, world traveller, publicist and writer Erik Maria Ritter von Kuehnelt-Leddihn (1909–1999), a friend and ally of Otto von Habsburg, died twenty-five years ago on 26 May.

Breakfast meeting hosted by the Otto von Habsburg Foundation

On May 5, at the Otto von Habsburg Foundation headquarters, Hungarian Minister of Justice Judit Varga had a discussion with representatives of The Heritage Foundation of the United States, President Kevin Roberts, Vice President James Jay Carafano and Senior Research Fellow for International Affairs Erin Walsh. Furthermore, the meeting was attended by Balázs Mártonffy, Head of the Institute for American Studies of the University of Public Service.

Birthday Dinner – OvH 110

On 19 November 2022, our Foundation commemorated the 110th birthday of our namesake with a celebratory event in the Pesti Vigadó along the Danube, recalling the tradition of “Otto Dinners”.

Conservative Minds

Conference on the transatlantic influence of Otto von Habsburg and other European conservative thinkers.