The Foundation’s primary purpose is to preserve the tangible and intangible heritage of Otto von Habsburg in a dignified manner, arrange it into a single collection, process it and provide access to it. The Foundation also aims to support the creation of a future-oriented European ideology based on the work of Otto von Habsburg.
The collection includes his political articles published in different languages, books published, book collection, studies and memoranda based on his conversations with heads of state and important politicians, the reports of his 20 years’ work in the European Parliament, press reports on his return to Austria, his personal correspondence, awards, film and photograph archive, and further documents and memorabilia forming Otto von Habsburg’s legacy. Altogether, the collection consists of approximately 700 archival storage boxes, 101.65 linear feet.

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History of the Otto von Habsburg Collection (fonds),
Correspondence with individuals and organisations,
Hungarian-related correspondence of Otto von Habsburg,
Reports on Foreign Policy Affairs
The database of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation's Collections is constantly expanding. There are various ways to access the records you are interested in: both simple and complex searches are available. The latter can be browsed using keywords to explore photographs and documents that employ text recognition. The records and descriptions in the database are based on the registers of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation (HOAL) and are under copyright protection. When using or citing them, please follow the general rules of internet attribution.
Source: the identifier of the record.
Rights of use of images: high-resolution digital versions of the photographs can be obtained for a fee from
Publication or commercial use of the images in any form is only allowed with the permission of HOAL.