30 years after Maastricht

The Otto von Habsburg Foundation and the University of Public Service commemorated the 30th anniversary of the treaty establishing the European Union with a joint conference entitled “From the Pan-European Idea to the Maastricht Treaty”.

Our latest publication is now available in the bookshops

An insight into the early years of the “little heir to the throne with blond locks”, the daily life of the royal family in exile in Madeira, the decades of love and marriage that began in a Hungarian refugee camp in Munich, and the defining moments of 20th-century European history are presented in the book 99 Years 99 Photos – Photographs from the Life of Otto von Habsburg, which was released on 20 November. Our Foundation is celebrating the 1

A Central European with a Swiss passport—In memory of Karel Schwarzenberg

On 11 November 2023, Karel Schwarzenberg, the former head of Václav Havel’s chancellery and former minister of foreign affairs, passed away at the age of 85. Kníže Karel, or Prince Charles, as he was often called in his homeland, was a formative figure of the Czech(oslovak) regime change and the post-communist era and was closely associated with our namesake from the turbulent period of the Central European regime changes.