
With Otto von Habsburg on the Tisza bank

Gergely Prőhle was a guest of the Academic Club of the Academic Committee of Szeged.

With Otto von Habsburg on the Tisza bank

Gergely Prőhle was a guest of the Academic Club of the Academic Committee of Szeged.

The Academic Club of the city in the Southern Great Plain regularly organises lectures for the academics of the University, as well as for researchers and artists who joined the association. On 14 May, the Director of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation, at the invitation of Sándor Csernus, Professor at the Institute of History of the University of Szeged and Tibor Krisztin, President of the Academic Committee, gave a lecture entitled “European Values — Political Realities. The legacy of Otto von Habsburg today”.

Gergely Prőhle presented the life of Otto von Habsburg and the work of the foundation that was named after him and has been processing his legacy since 2018. He described the turning points that had shaped the life and personality of the last heir to the Hungarian throne. Otto had been able to overcome the loss of political power and exile of his family, and through his in-depth knowledge, language skills and extensive network of connections, he exerted a significant influence on the history of the 20th century. When he was elected to the European Parliament 45 years ago, he was given a broad democratic mandate to participate in debates and decisions affecting the future of the continent.

In the context of current world and European political developments, Gergely Prőhle thought it worthwhile to raise and discuss the following questions: what would the founding fathers of European integration, including Otto von Habsburg, think about the current state of affairs? How has the discourse on classical European values evolved in recent decades, and what is its relationship with the Realpolitik approach and the reality around us?

A lively discussion followed the presentation by the Director of our Foundation.