The last grand wedding in the Habsburg Empire – The wedding of Zita and Charles
111 years ago, on 21 October 1911, Zita of Bourbon-Parma and Charles of Habsburg-Lothringen were married in the Schwarzau Castle in Lower Austria.
111 years ago, on 21 October 1911, Zita of Bourbon-Parma and Charles of Habsburg-Lothringen were married in the Schwarzau Castle in Lower Austria.
The conference entitled “Der Konservative bleibt der Sieger der Geschichte”, held in Berlin on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the foundation of the Bibliothek des Konservatismus (BDK,, was an important event in the international networking of the Otto von Habsburg Foundation, where our director, Gergely Prőhle, presented our work.
On 16 October 2022, an exhibition commemorating Count Antal Sigray – the “politician of honour” – was officially opened in Ivánc, in the county of Vas. The life of Count Sigray is connected in many ways to Austrian Emperor and Hungarian King Charles von Habsburg and his son Otto von Habsburg.
As part of the Lónyay 200 memorial year, the Tuzsér Municipality Public Foundation organised a conference and book presentation in Bodrogolaszi on the historical relations between the Habsburg and the Lónyay families.