The country holding the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union hosts a conference for the leaders of national archives every six months. The organisers of the meeting in Budapest on 14 October decided to include a visit to our Foundation in the programme. We were delighted to welcome the guests, to whom we presented our archival activities and the methodology of our work on the heritage of Otto von Habsburg, which aims to follow international archival standards in all its aspects.
Several directors expressed their interest in bilateral consultations and considered it important to compare the material in our collection with relevant documents held by their institutions. In addition to visiting the premises of our Foundation, the guests were also given the opportunity to view the most interesting parts of the Evangelical-Lutheran National Collection located within the building: the Archives, including the Last Will and Testament of Martin Luther and the impressive Podmaniczky-Degenfeld Library. The evening ended with a dinner at the Opus Jazz Club.