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On September 20, 2021, Archduchess Walburga Habsburg-Douglas handed over to our Foundation diaries that shed more light on her father’s life.
On September 20, 2021, Archduchess Walburga Habsburg-Douglas handed over to our Foundation diaries that shed more light on her father’s life.
The Spanish flu, also known as the 1918 flu pandemic, was the first worldwide epidemic in history, wiping out about 3 to 5 percent of the world’s population. 98 years ago Charles IV, the father of Otto von Habsburg and the last Hungarian king, was among those who lost his life battling the disease.
With a cerulean blue, horizontally striped front page, with the authors and titles of their articles, the German language political magazine, Zeitbühne, (1972 to 1979) does not look very appealing at first sight, but the articles are of high quality.
Thirty years ago, on 30 September 1989, the name of Otto von Habsburg appeared in the domestic press as a candidate for the post of president of the Independent Smallholders, Farmers and Civic Party. In an interview with Radio Free Europe on the same day, Otto von Habsburg said he did not know about this idea, but later received a letter of nomination dated 29 September 1989.