Pilgrimage Sites in the Turmoil of History
The Otto von Habsburg Foundation is organising a commemoration to mark the 12th anniversary of the death of its namesake at Pannonhalma Archabbey on Sunday 2 July from 10am.
The Otto von Habsburg Foundation is organising a commemoration to mark the 12th anniversary of the death of its namesake at Pannonhalma Archabbey on Sunday 2 July from 10am.
After the traditional Holy Mass, György Szapáry gave a speech in the banquet hall of the Benedictine Abbey of Pannonhalma, followed by a round table discussion with other Benedictine alumni.
The Otto von Habsburg Foundation organizes an online-conference on the 7th June at 3pm.
Otto von Habsburg’s educators formed his personality decisively. He received not only knowledge, but also national allegiance, spiritual and civilizational guidance from them. In the spirit of this, it is of great importance to explore the life path, thinking and working methods of Otto’s teachers, especially his Benedictine masters. With all this in mind, we visited the Benedictine Archabbey of Pannonhalma on December 14, 2020.