For Independent Austria – In Imperial Spirit
140 years ago, on February 4, 1885, Hans Karl von Zessner-Spitzenberg was born, a staunch supporter of Emperor Charles I and Otto von Habsburg.
140 years ago, on February 4, 1885, Hans Karl von Zessner-Spitzenberg was born, a staunch supporter of Emperor Charles I and Otto von Habsburg.
The notorious political party founder, János Kaszala, freshly released from the prison, committed another political fraud in 1932. In the name of the rather bizarre-sounding United Legitimist Fascist Party, he swindled money from gullible victims, claiming to be “Prince Otto”. He did all this, of course, without the knowledge of Otto von Habsburg.
In the Otto von Habsburg Collection among the Hungarian secretariat correspondence a copy of a cover photo of Magyarság, a Hungarian newspaper, which depicts the bust of Crown Prince Otto, has survived. The bust, made by sculptor László Vastagh, was inaugurated in October 1925, 95 years ago, by the Circle of National Cohesion.